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How Music Can Improve Mental Health

Welcome, Ageless Fitness Journey readers! Today, let’s chat about the incredible world of music and its profound impact on our mental health. Whether you’re rocking 40 or thriving in your fabulous 50s, let’s groove through the rhythm of well-being together.

Kickoff: Let’s Talk Tunes

Picture this: you hit play and are suddenly transported to a world of emotions. Music has that incredible power, doesn’t it? It’s like a time machine for your feelings. One moment, you’re basking in the nostalgia of “I gotta feeling” by Black Eyed Peas, and the next, you’re belting out the lyrics to “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. Today, we’re unraveling the science behind this musical magic and how it can be your secret weapon on this ageless fitness journey.

Where to Get Playlist: Create your own playlist on platforms like Spotify or Apple Music. Look for pre-made mood-boosting playlists or explore songs mentioned throughout this post. Remember, it’s not about ‘feel good’ music per se – it’s about what makes your heart sing.

For example, one of my favorite songs is “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses. It’s not a traditionally happy song; however, the mesmerizing melody and the soulful mix of guitar and piano are downright incredible. I may also feel the groove of Latin or Caribbean rhythms, the empowerment of Beyoncé, or the nostalgia of old-school tracks – it doesn’t matter. Music makes me feel good, and that’s my mood therapy.

The Feel-Good Symphony

Ever noticed how a power ballad can make you feel unstoppable or how a soothing melody can turn a chaotic day into a zen paradise? That’s the psychological magic of music. It’s like your personal mood magician! Science backs this up – certain genres and beats can trigger specific emotions. For a feel-good boost, throw on “Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey or “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves. However, if your mood swings to the rhythm of Metallica, the poetic words of Bob Dylan, the powerful feminist empowering music from Beyonce, the lyrical, beat-driven hip hop, the passionate, rhythmic Latin Music, or the upbeat roots-oriented vibe of reggae music, then turn that music up!

Stress-Busting Beats

Stress – meet your match! Life can be a rollercoaster; sometimes, it feels like you’re stuck on the loop-de-loop. Enter music, your stress-busting superhero. Studies show that music can swoop in and lower those pesky cortisol levels, the stress hormone. For a stress-free escape, let the soothing sounds of “Weightless” by Marconi Union wash over you, or lose yourself in the calming instrumental “Clair de Lune” by Debussy. Alternatively, if your stress relief comes in the form of heavy guitar riffs, rap verses, or Latin rhythms, let your personalized playlist take the lead…better yet, shuffle your music.

Rocking Away the Blues

Who needs a therapist when you’ve got tunes, right? Or why not both—nothing wrong with that. We’re talking about music therapy, a legit thing! Dive into the world of melodies to combat anxiety and depression. It’s like your own personalized therapy session but with beats, rhythm, and maybe some soul. From classical compositions like “Moonlight Sonata” by Beethoven to the uplifting “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles, there’s a melody out there waiting to uplift your spirits. And if your therapy involves the raw emotion of Adele’s vocals (sometimes you feel like setting fire to the rain) or the poetic storytelling of Joni Mitchell, then let those artists accompany you on your healing journey.

Unleash Your Inner Rockstar

Music isn’t just about listening – it’s a form of self-expression. Ever thought about writing your own tunes or joining a music club? I have, but I can’t rhyme to save my life. Your inner rockstar is waiting to burst onto the stage! Grab a guitar, pen some lyrics, and let the music be an extension of your fabulous self. And remember, your rockstar journey might involve the smooth jazz vibes of Norah Jones, the smooth, melodious Kenny G, the smooth, timeless George Benson, or the indie-pop beats of Florence + The Machine – whatever speaks to your soul.

Scientific Backing:

The Frontiers in Psychology journal (2017) highlighted the therapeutic benefits of active music-making, including mood and emotional well-being improvements.

Soundtrack for Sweet Dreams

Struggling with sleep? Say hello to your new bedtime BFF – music. Let those calming tunes serenade you into dreamland. It’s like a lullaby for your soul. Create a soothing bedtime playlist with tracks like “Nocturne in E-Flat Major” by Chopin, “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri, and “So What” by Miles Davis. Sweet dreams are just a melody away. Remember to create a playlist with a mix of these soothing tracks to find what resonates best with your personal preferences for relaxation and sleep. I wouldn’t recommend listening to your other playlists when you are trying to sleep. From personal experience, vibing keeps me awake, energized, and feeling good— not ready for Lala Land.

Where to Get Playlist: Find sleep-inducing playlists on platforms like Spotify or Apple Music specifically curated for bedtime.

Playlist Party

Let’s get practical. How about creating intentional playlists for different moods? Spice up your workouts with energetic tunes like “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor and mellow out during relaxation time with the soulful sounds of “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong. It’s like having a musical sidekick for every occasion. Dive into the world of diverse genres, from energetic pop to soulful jazz. Your playlist is your canvas – paint it with the colors of your mood. And if your mood is a mix of genres and artists, hit shuffle on your favorite playlist – let the surprise tunes be the soundtrack to your day.

I have one co-worker who has a playlist for everything. She has one for rain when we lose an employee (terminated or resigned). I’ll give you a second to figure out one song she has on that list…yes, from her favorite band, Queen – Another One Bites the Dust.

Scientific Backing:

The British Journal of Sports Medicine (2015) reported that listening to music during exercise enhanced physical performance, reducing perceived effort and increasing endurance.

The Grand Finale: Keep Grooving into Wellness!

Our journey has been guided by the science that validates the magic of music. Studies from the Journal of Positive Psychology, Nature Neuroscience, JAMA Internal Medicine, and more have showcased the profound effects of music on happiness, stress reduction, and mental health.

So, ladies, let your playlist be your compass, guiding you through the highs and lows of life. It’s not just about ‘feel good’ tunes – it’s about what resonates with your soul, even if it’s the melancholy beauty of “November Rain” or the empowering anthems of Beyoncé—in my case.

As you continue your ageless groove, remember the therapeutic benefits of music-making, the stress-reducing power of your favorite tracks, and the sleep-inducing melodies that serenade you into dreamland. Use music as your mood therapy, workout motivator, and companion on this journey toward holistic well-being.

Keep exploring, dancing, and singing – because you’re crafting the soundtrack to a healthier, happier you in the universal language of music. Share your favorite tunes, discover new melodies, and let the ageless vibes reverberate through the beats of your life. The grand finale is just the beginning – keep grooving into wellness on your Ageless Fitness Journey!

What’s your favorite mood-boosting tune? Share it with us in the comments below, and let’s keep the rhythm of positivity alive! 🎶💖

P.S. You can also explore the beats of your ageless journey on Amazon Music – your wellness soundtrack awaits! Amazon Music is now included with your Prime Membership. You can get unlimited access to 100 million songs by trying Amazon Music Unlimited.

~ Kay ~



This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Corey

    As someone who’s long believed in the therapeutic benefits of music, I find it heartening to see more focus on its impact on mental health. The connection between music and emotional well-being is profound, and it’s great to see it getting the attention it deserves. Personal experience has shown me that the right music can lift spirits, provide comfort, and even aid in coping with stress.

    1. Kay

      Hello Corey,

      Totally get you! 🎶 Music’s mental health vibes are everything! So cool to see it getting the love it deserves. Your experience nails it – the right tunes can totally lift you up and handle stress like a boss. Cheers to the power of music! 🙌

  2. Hanna

    What a groovy read, Kay! Your post beautifully captures the transformative power of music on mental well-being. I couldn’t agree more with your insights about crafting personalized playlists for different moods—it’s like having a musical sidekick for every moment! 🎶💫

    Question: As we journey through the rhythms of life, I’m curious, what’s your go-to track for boosting your mood on challenging days? Share your musical magic in the comments below, and let’s keep the ageless vibes flowing! 🎵✨

    1. Kay

      Hi Hanna,
      I can’t say that I have a go-to track because I don’t. I like all kinds of music, and mostly, I just shuffle my playlists. 

  3. Jake Devins

    Hey I remember watching a podcast with the main singer of the red hot chili peppers and he said that music is a drug. That is so true. It can be super impactful for exercise and motivation. As well it can be healing and beautiful.  It is a wonderful art form. So it’s a powerful tool in that regard. God bless

    1. Kay

      Hello Jake, 

      I couldn’t agree more; thanks for your comment.

  4. Chase

    Reading this article was like taking a journey through music’s many benefits! Thank you for showing how music serves as more than just entertainment but as an aid for emotional healing, stress reduction, and self-expression. I’m an academic musician from enough education to have taken some of that joy away, but it is so true that listening to music can bring tremendous healing – mainly by helping give a means of escape from reality! It’s interesting to hear about the scientific backing. Music isn’t just a subjective experience but a truly real experience and I’ve definitely found myself relying on music to get me out of depression or even help me stay motivated when alone in the house.

    1. Kay


      Thanks for your comment; music has always been my “pick me up.” I tell everyone to try it. 

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